
The pipe-to-dot applet generates a DOT file from the pipeline topology. This graphical output is useful for visualizing and documenting a specific pipeline.

kwiver pipe-to-dot [options]

Options are:

-h, --help

Display applet usage

input options:

-p, --pipe-file arg

Selects a pipeline file to render as a DOT file.

-C, --cluster <arg>

Selects a cluster file to render as a DOT file.

-T, --cluster-type <arg>

Selects a cluster type to render as a DOT file. This is the name of the cluster in the cluster definition file.

Note: Only one input option is allowed.

output options:

-n, --name <arg>

Specifies the name of the output graph.

-o, --output <file>

Name of output file or ‘-’ for stdout. (default: -)

-P, --link-prefix <arg>

Prefix for links when formatting for sphinx.

pipe options:

-c, --config <file>

Specifies a file containing supplemental configuration entries. Can occur multiple times on the command line.

The supplemental configuration files can contain additional configuration entires for processes or global config blocks. Configuration items for processes start with the process name. For example The input_path config element for the process reader would be specified as follows:

reader:input_path = input/file/path

These configuration values are applied to the pipeline configuration after the pipeline file has been processes and can overwrite values previously defined in the pipe file.

-s, --settings VAR=VALUE

Specifies additional configuration settings to be applied to the pipeline configuration.

The settings option can be used to specify a single configuration value. This command line option can appear multiple times on the command line. Using the same example above, that configuration item can be specified as follows:

--settings reader:input_path=input/file/path

Note that there can be no embedded spaces in the argument.

-I, --include <path>

Specifies a directory to be added to the configuration include path. This option can occur multiple times on the command line


Setup pipeline before rendering


Usage example showing DOT rendering tools