








When the output queue back to the application is full and there is more data to
add, should new data be dropped or should the pipeline block until the data can
be delivered. The default action is to wait until the data can be delivered.

Input Ports

There are no input ports for this process.

Output Ports

Pipefile Usage

The following sections describe the blocks needed to use this process in a pipe file.

Pipefile block

# ================================================================
process <this-proc>
  :: output_adapter
# When the output queue back to the application is full and there is more data
# to add, should new data be dropped or should the pipeline block until the
# data can be delivered. The default action is to wait until the data can be
# delivered.
  wait_on_queue_full = TRUE
# ================================================================

Process connections

The following Input ports will need to be set

# There are no input port's for this process

The following Output ports will need to be set

# This process will produce the following output ports

Class Description

class output_adapter_process : public sprokit::process, public kwiver::adapter::adapter_base

Generic output adapter class.

\iports \iport{various} Input ports are dynamically created based on pipeline connections.

Public Functions

virtual void _step() override

Method where subclass data processing occurs.

In general, a process’ _step() method will involve:

  • Obtaining data from the input edges.

  • Running the algorithm.

  • Pushing data out via the output edges.

virtual void _finalize() override

Termination processing for subclasses.

This method is called when the all upstream processes have terminated and a complete datum is present on all required input ports. The _step() method will never be called after this method is called.

If a process self terminates by calling mark_process_as_complete(), this method will not be called.

virtual adapter::ports_info_t get_ports()

Return list of active ports.

This method returns the list of currently active ports and associated port info items.


List of port names and info.

class priv