

Input Ports

Port name

Data Type






Single frame image.




Timestamp for input image.

Output Ports

Pipefile Usage

The following sections describe the blocks needed to use this process in a pipe file.

Pipefile block

# ================================================================
process <this-proc>
  :: image_writer
# Template for generating output file names. The template is interpreted as a
# printf format with one format specifier to convert an integer increasing
# image number. The image file type is determined by the file extension and the
# concrete writer selected.
  file_name_template = image%04d.png
# Config block name to configure algorithm. The algorithm type is selected with
# "image_writer:type". Specific writer parameters depend on writer type
# selected.
  image_writer = <value>
# ================================================================

Process connections

The following Input ports will need to be set

# This process will consume the following input ports
connect from <this-proc>.image
         to   <upstream-proc>.image
connect from <this-proc>.timestamp
         to   <upstream-proc>.timestamp

The following Output ports will need to be set

# This process will produce the following output ports

Class Description

class image_writer_process : public sprokit::process

Reads a series of images.

\iports \iport{image} \iport{timetamp}

class priv