
Class Probablity Filter Algorithm

class class_probablity_filter : public kwiver::vital::algorithm_impl<class_probablity_filter, vital::algo::detected_object_filter>

Filters detections based on class probability.

This algorithm filters out items that are less than the threshold. The following steps are applied to each input detected object set.

1) Select all class names with scores greater than threshold.

2) Create a new detected_object_type object with all selected class names from step 1. The class name can be selected individually or with the keep_all_classes option.

3) The input detection_set is cloned and the detected_object_type from step 2 is attached.

Public Functions

vital::config_block_sptr get_configuration() const

Get this algorithm’s configuration block .

Get this alg’s configuration block .

This method returns the required configuration for the algorithm. The implementation of this method should be light-weight and only create and fill in the config block.

This base virtual function implementation returns an empty configuration.

config_block containing the configuration for this algorithm and any nested components.

void set_configuration(vital::config_block_sptr config)

Set this algorithm’s properties via a config block.

This method is called to pass a configuration to the algorithm. The implementation of this method should be light-weight and only save the necessary config values. Defer any substantial processing in another method.

  • no_such_configuration_value_exception: Thrown if an expected configuration value is not present.
  • algorithm_configuration_exception: Thrown when the algorithm is given an invalid config_block or is otherwise unable to configure itself.
  • config: The config_block instance containing the configuration parameters for this algorithm

bool check_configuration(vital::config_block_sptr config) const

Check that the algorithm’s configuration config_block is valid.

This checks solely within the provided config_block and not against the current state of the instance. This isn’t static for inheritance reasons.

true if the configuration check passed and false if it didn’t.
  • config: The config block to check configuration of.

vital::detected_object_set_sptr filter(const vital::detected_object_set_sptr input_set) const

Filter set of detected objects.

This method applies a filter to the input set to create an output set. The input set of detections is unmodified.

Filtered set of detections.
  • input_set: Set of detections to be filtered.

Close Loops Bad Frames Only Algorithm

class close_loops_bad_frames_only : public kwiver::vital::algorithm_impl<close_loops_bad_frames_only, vital::algo::close_loops>

Attempts to stitch over incomplete or bad input frames.

This class attempts to only make short term loop closures due to bad or incomplete feature point tracking. It operates on the principle that when a bad frame occurs, there is generally a lower percentage of feature tracks.

Public Functions


Default Constructor.

virtual ~close_loops_bad_frames_only()


vital::config_block_sptr get_configuration() const

Get this algorithm’s configuration block .

This base virtual function implementation returns an empty configuration block whose name is set to this->type_name.

config_block containing the configuration for this algorithm and any nested components.

void set_configuration(vital::config_block_sptr config)

Set this algorithm’s properties via a config block.

Set this algo’s properties via a config block.

  • no_such_configuration_value_exception: Thrown if an expected configuration value is not present.
  • algorithm_configuration_exception: Thrown when the algorithm is given an invalid config_block or is’ otherwise unable to configure itself.
  • config: The config_block instance containing the configuration parameters for this algorithm

bool check_configuration(vital::config_block_sptr config) const

Check that the algorithm’s currently configuration is valid.

This checks solely within the provided config_block and not against the current state of the instance. This isn’t static for inheritence reasons.

true if the configuration check passed and false if it didn’t.
  • config: The config block to check configuration of.

vital::feature_track_set_sptr stitch(vital::frame_id_t frame_number, vital::feature_track_set_sptr input, vital::image_container_sptr image, vital::image_container_sptr mask = vital::image_container_sptr()) const

Perform basic shot stitching for bad frame detection.

Handle track bad frame detection if enabled.

an updated set a feature tracks after the stitching operation
  • frame_number: the frame number of the current frame
  • input: the input feature track set to stitch
  • image: image data for the current frame
  • mask: Optional mask image where positive values indicate regions to consider in the input image.

Public Static Attributes

constexpr char const *name = "bad_frames_only"

Name of the algorithm.

constexpr char const *description


“Attempts short-term loop closure based on percentage”

” of

feature points tracked."

Description of the algorithm.

Close Loops Exhaustive Algorithm

class close_loops_exhaustive : public kwiver::vital::algorithm_impl<close_loops_exhaustive, vital::algo::close_loops>

Attempts to stitch over previous frames.

This class attempts close loops with all previous (or as specified) frames

Public Functions


Default Constructor.




vital::config_block_sptr get_configuration() const

Get this algorithm’s configuration block .

Get this alg’s configuration block .

This base virtual function implementation returns an empty configuration block whose name is set to this->type_name.

config_block containing the configuration for this algorithm and any nested components.

void set_configuration(vital::config_block_sptr config)

Set this algorithm’s properties via a config block.

Set this algo’s properties via a config block.

  • no_such_configuration_value_exception: Thrown if an expected configuration value is not present.
  • algorithm_configuration_exception: Thrown when the algorithm is given an invalid config_block or is’ otherwise unable to configure itself.
  • config: The config_block instance containing the configuration parameters for this algorithm

bool check_configuration(vital::config_block_sptr config) const

Check that the algorithm’s currently configuration is valid.

This checks solely within the provided config_block and not against the current state of the instance. This isn’t static for inheritence reasons.

true if the configuration check passed and false if it didn’t.
  • config: The config block to check configuration of.

vital::feature_track_set_sptr stitch(vital::frame_id_t frame_number, vital::feature_track_set_sptr input, vital::image_container_sptr image, vital::image_container_sptr mask = vital::image_container_sptr()) const

Perform exhaustive stitching.

Exaustive loop closure.

an updated set of feature tracks after the stitching operation
  • frame_number: the frame number of the current frame
  • input: the input feature track set to stitch
  • image: image data for the current frame
  • mask: Optional mask image where positive values indicate regions to consider in the input image.

Public Static Attributes

constexpr char const *name = "exhaustive"

Name of the algorithm.

constexpr char const *description


“Exhaustive matching of all frame pairs,”

” or all frames within a moving window.”

Description of the algorithm.

class priv

Private implementation class.

Public Functions



Public Members

size_t match_req

number of feature matches required for acceptance

int num_look_back

Max frames to close loops back to (-1 to beginning of sequence)

vital::algo::match_features_sptr matcher

The feature matching algorithm to use.

Close Loops Keyframe Algorithm

class close_loops_keyframe : public kwiver::vital::algorithm_impl<close_loops_keyframe, vital::algo::close_loops>

Attempts to stitch over previous frames.

This class attempts close loops with all previous (or as specified) frames

Public Functions


Default Constructor.




vital::config_block_sptr get_configuration() const

Get this algorithm’s configuration block .

Get this alg’s configuration block .

This base virtual function implementation returns an empty configuration block whose name is set to this->type_name.

config_block containing the configuration for this algorithm and any nested components.

void set_configuration(vital::config_block_sptr config)

Set this algorithm’s properties via a config block.

Set this algo’s properties via a config block.

  • no_such_configuration_value_exception: Thrown if an expected configuration value is not present.
  • algorithm_configuration_exception: Thrown when the algorithm is given an invalid config_block or is’ otherwise unable to configure itself.
  • config: The config_block instance containing the configuration parameters for this algorithm

bool check_configuration(vital::config_block_sptr config) const

Check that the algorithm’s currently configuration is valid.

This checks solely within the provided config_block and not against the current state of the instance. This isn’t static for inheritence reasons.

true if the configuration check passed and false if it didn’t.
  • config: The config block to check configuration of.

vital::feature_track_set_sptr stitch(vital::frame_id_t frame_number, vital::feature_track_set_sptr input, vital::image_container_sptr image, vital::image_container_sptr mask = vital::image_container_sptr()) const

Perform keyframe guided stitching.

Frame stitching using keyframe-base matching.

an updated set of feature tracks after the stitching operation
  • frame_number: the frame number of the current frame
  • input: the input feature track set to stitch
  • image: image data for the current frame
  • mask: Optional mask image where positive values indicate regions to consider in the input image.

Public Static Attributes

constexpr char const *name = "keyframe"

Name of the algorithm.

constexpr char const *description


“Establishes keyframes matches to all keyframes.”

Description of the algorithm.

class priv

Private implementation class.

Public Functions



Public Members

int match_req

number of feature matches required for acceptance

int search_bandwidth

number of adjacent frames to match

unsigned int min_keyframe_misses

minimum number of keyframe misses before creating a new keyframe

bool stop_after_match

stop matching against additional keyframes if at least one succeeds

std::vector<frame_id_t> keyframes

Indices of the the selected keyframes.

std::map<frame_id_t, unsigned int> frame_matches

histogram of matches associated with each frame

std::vector<frame_id_t> keyframe_misses

a collection of recent frame that didn’t match any keyframe

vital::algo::match_features_sptr matcher

The feature matching algorithm to use.

Close Loops Multi Method Algorithm

class close_loops_multi_method : public kwiver::vital::algorithm_impl<close_loops_multi_method, vital::algo::close_loops>

Attempts to stitch over incomplete or bad input frames.

This class can run multiple other close_loops algorithm implementations in attempt to accomplish this.

Public Functions


Default Constructor.

virtual ~close_loops_multi_method()


vital::config_block_sptr get_configuration() const

Get this algorithm’s configuration block .

This base virtual function implementation returns an empty configuration block whose name is set to this->type_name.

config_block containing the configuration for this algorithm and any nested components.

void set_configuration(vital::config_block_sptr config)

Set this algorithm’s properties via a config block.

  • no_such_configuration_value_exception: Thrown if an expected configuration value is not present.
  • algorithm_configuration_exception: Thrown when the algorithm is given an invalid config_block or is’ otherwise unable to configure itself.
  • config: The config_block instance containing the configuration parameters for this algorithm

bool check_configuration(vital::config_block_sptr config) const

Check that the algorithm’s currently configuration is valid.

This checks solely within the provided config_block and not against the current state of the instance. This isn’t static for inheritence reasons.

true if the configuration check passed and false if it didn’t.
  • config: The config block to check configuration of.

feature_track_set_sptr stitch(vital::frame_id_t frame_number, vital::feature_track_set_sptr input, vital::image_container_sptr image, vital::image_container_sptr mask = vital::image_container_sptr()) const

Run all internal loop closure algorithms.

an updated set of feature tracks after the stitching operation
  • frame_number: the frame number of the current frame
  • image: image data for the current frame
  • input: the input feature track set to stitch
  • mask: Optional mask image where positive values indicate regions to consider in the input image.

Public Static Attributes

constexpr char const *name = "multi_method"

Name of the algorithm.

constexpr char const *description


“Iteratively run multiple loop closure algorithms.”

Description of the algorithm.

Compute Ref Homography Core Algorithm

class compute_ref_homography_core : public kwiver::vital::algorithm_impl<compute_ref_homography_core, vital::algo::compute_ref_homography>

Default impl class for mapping each image to some reference image.

This class differs from estimate_homographies in that estimate_homographies simply performs a homography regression from matching feature points. This class is designed to generate different types of homographies from input feature tracks, which can transform each image back to the same coordinate space derived from some initial refrerence image.

This implementation is state-based and is meant to be run in an online fashion, i.e. run against a track set that has been iteratively updated on successive non-regressing frames. This is ideal for when it is desired to compute reference frames on all frames in a sequence.

Public Functions


Default Constructor.


Default Destructor.

vital::config_block_sptr get_configuration() const

Get this algorithm’s configuration block .

This base virtual function implementation returns an empty configuration block whose name is set to this->type_name.

config_block containing the configuration for this algorithm and any nested components.

void set_configuration(vital::config_block_sptr config)

Set this algorithm’s properties via a config block.

  • no_such_configuration_value_exception: Thrown if an expected configuration value is not present.
  • algorithm_configuration_exception: Thrown when the algorithm is given an invalid config_block or is’ otherwise unable to configure itself.
  • config: The config_block instance containing the configuration parameters for this algorithm

bool check_configuration(vital::config_block_sptr config) const

Check that the algorithm’s currently configuration is valid.

This checks solely within the provided config_block and not against the current state of the instance. This isn’t static for inheritence reasons.

true if the configuration check passed and false if it didn’t.
  • config: The config block to check configuration of.

f2f_homography_sptr estimate(vital::frame_id_t frame_number, vital::feature_track_set_sptr tracks) const

Estimate the transformation which maps some frame to a reference frame.

Similarly to track_features, this class was designed to be called in an online fashion for each sequential frame.

estimated homography
  • frame_number: frame identifier for the current frame
  • tracks: the set of all tracked features from the image

Public Static Attributes

constexpr char const *name = "core"

Name of the algorithm.

constexpr char const *description


“Default online sequential-frame reference

homography estimator."

Description of the algorithm.

class priv

Public Functions

bool compute_homography(std::vector<vector_2d> const &pts_src, std::vector<vector_2d> const &pts_dst, homography_sptr &out_h) const

Estimate the homography between two corresponding points sets.

Check for homography validity.

Output homography describes transformation from pts_src to pts_dst.

If estimate homography is deemed bad, true is returned and the homography passed to out_h is not modified. If false is returned, the computed homography is valid and out_h is set to the estimated homography.

Public Members

bool use_backproject_error

Should we remove extra points if the backproject error is high?

double backproject_threshold_sqr

Backprojection threshold in terms of L2 distance (number of pixels)

unsigned forget_track_threshold

After how many frames should we forget all info about a track?

unsigned min_track_length

Minimum track length to use for homography regression.

double inlier_scale

The scale of inlier points used for homography calculation.

unsigned minimum_inliers

Minimum points number of matching points between source and reference images when computing homography

track_info_buffer_sptr buffer

Buffer storing track extensions.

algo::estimate_homography_sptr h_estimator

Pointer to homography estimator.

unsigned frames_since_reset

Number of frames since last new reference frame declared.

bool allow_ref_frame_regression

If we should allow reference frame regression or not when determining the earliest reference frame of active tracks.

frame_id_t min_ref_frame

Minimum allowable reference frame. This is updated when homography estimation fails.

Convert Image Bypass Algorithm

class convert_image_bypass : public kwiver::vital::algorithm_impl<convert_image_bypass, vital::algo::convert_image>

A class for bypassing image conversion.

Public Functions


Default Constructor.

vital::image_container_sptr convert(vital::image_container_sptr img) const

Default image converter ( does nothing )

the input image
  • img: image to be converted

Public Static Attributes

constexpr char const *name = "bypass"

Name of the algorithm.

constexpr char const *description


“Performs no conversion and returns the given

image container."

Description of the algorithm.

Detected Object Set Input csv Algorithm

class detected_object_set_input_csv : public kwiver::vital::algorithm_impl<detected_object_set_input_csv, vital::algo::detected_object_set_input>

Public Functions

void set_configuration(vital::config_block_sptr config)

Set this algorithm’s properties via a config block.

This method is called to pass a configuration to the algorithm. The implementation of this method should be light-weight and only save the necessary config values. Defer any substantial processing in another method.

  • no_such_configuration_value_exception: Thrown if an expected configuration value is not present.
  • algorithm_configuration_exception: Thrown when the algorithm is given an invalid config_block or is otherwise unable to configure itself.
  • config: The config_block instance containing the configuration parameters for this algorithm

bool check_configuration(vital::config_block_sptr config) const

Check that the algorithm’s configuration config_block is valid.

This checks solely within the provided config_block and not against the current state of the instance. This isn’t static for inheritance reasons.

true if the configuration check passed and false if it didn’t.
  • config: The config block to check configuration of.

bool read_set(kwiver::vital::detected_object_set_sptr &set, std::string &image_name)

Read next detected object set.

This method reads the next set of detected objects from the file. False is returned when the end of file is reached.

true if detections are returned, false if end of file.
  • set: Pointer to the new set of detections. Set may be empty if there are no detections on an image.
  • image_name: Name of the image that goes with the detections. This string may be empty depending on the source format.

class priv

Expected format:

  • 1: frame number
  • 2: file name
  • 3: TL-x
  • 4: TL-y
  • 5: BR-x
  • 6: BR-y
  • 7: confidence
  • 8,9 : class-name score (this pair may be omitted or may repeat any number of times)

Detected Object Set Input kw18 Algorithm

class detected_object_set_input_kw18 : public kwiver::vital::algorithm_impl<detected_object_set_input_kw18, vital::algo::detected_object_set_input>

Public Functions

void set_configuration(vital::config_block_sptr config)

Set this algorithm’s properties via a config block.

This method is called to pass a configuration to the algorithm. The implementation of this method should be light-weight and only save the necessary config values. Defer any substantial processing in another method.

  • no_such_configuration_value_exception: Thrown if an expected configuration value is not present.
  • algorithm_configuration_exception: Thrown when the algorithm is given an invalid config_block or is otherwise unable to configure itself.
  • config: The config_block instance containing the configuration parameters for this algorithm

bool check_configuration(vital::config_block_sptr config) const

Check that the algorithm’s configuration config_block is valid.

This checks solely within the provided config_block and not against the current state of the instance. This isn’t static for inheritance reasons.

true if the configuration check passed and false if it didn’t.
  • config: The config block to check configuration of.

bool read_set(kwiver::vital::detected_object_set_sptr &set, std::string &image_name)

Read next detected object set.

This method reads the next set of detected objects from the file. False is returned when the end of file is reached.

true if detections are returned, false if end of file.
  • set: Pointer to the new set of detections. Set may be empty if there are no detections on an image.
  • image_name: Name of the image that goes with the detections. This string may be empty depending on the source format.

Detected Object Set Output csv Algorithm

class detected_object_set_output_csv : public kwiver::vital::algorithm_impl<detected_object_set_output_csv, vital::algo::detected_object_set_output>

Public Functions

void set_configuration(vital::config_block_sptr config)

Set this algorithm’s properties via a config block.

This method is called to pass a configuration to the algorithm. The implementation of this method should be light-weight and only save the necessary config values. Defer any substantial processing in another method.

  • no_such_configuration_value_exception: Thrown if an expected configuration value is not present.
  • algorithm_configuration_exception: Thrown when the algorithm is given an invalid config_block or is otherwise unable to configure itself.
  • config: The config_block instance containing the configuration parameters for this algorithm

bool check_configuration(vital::config_block_sptr config) const

Check that the algorithm’s configuration config_block is valid.

This checks solely within the provided config_block and not against the current state of the instance. This isn’t static for inheritance reasons.

true if the configuration check passed and false if it didn’t.
  • config: The config block to check configuration of.

void write_set(const kwiver::vital::detected_object_set_sptr set, std::string const &image_path)

Write detected object set.

This method writes the specified detected object set and image name to the currently open file.

  • set: Detected object set
  • image_path: File path to image associated with the detections.

Detected Object Set Output kw18 Algorithm

class detected_object_set_output_kw18 : public kwiver::vital::algorithm_impl<detected_object_set_output_kw18, vital::algo::detected_object_set_output>

Public Functions

vital::config_block_sptr get_configuration() const

Get this algorithm’s configuration block .

Get this alg’s configuration block .

This method returns the required configuration for the algorithm. The implementation of this method should be light-weight and only create and fill in the config block.

This base virtual function implementation returns an empty configuration.

config_block containing the configuration for this algorithm and any nested components.

void set_configuration(vital::config_block_sptr config)

Set this algorithm’s properties via a config block.

This method is called to pass a configuration to the algorithm. The implementation of this method should be light-weight and only save the necessary config values. Defer any substantial processing in another method.

  • no_such_configuration_value_exception: Thrown if an expected configuration value is not present.
  • algorithm_configuration_exception: Thrown when the algorithm is given an invalid config_block or is otherwise unable to configure itself.
  • config: The config_block instance containing the configuration parameters for this algorithm

bool check_configuration(vital::config_block_sptr config) const

Check that the algorithm’s configuration config_block is valid.

This checks solely within the provided config_block and not against the current state of the instance. This isn’t static for inheritance reasons.

true if the configuration check passed and false if it didn’t.
  • config: The config block to check configuration of.

void write_set(const kwiver::vital::detected_object_set_sptr set, std::string const &image_path)

Write detected object set.

This method writes the specified detected object set and image name to the currently open file.

  • set: Detected object set
  • image_path: File path to image associated with the detections.

class priv

This format should only be used for tracks.

  • Column(s) 1: Track-id
  • Column(s) 2: Track-length (# of detections)
  • Column(s) 3: Frame-number (-1 if not available)
  • Column(s) 4-5: Tracking-plane-loc(x,y) (Could be same as World-loc)
  • Column(s) 6-7: Velocity(x,y)
  • Column(s) 8-9: Image-loc(x,y)
  • Column(s) 10-13: Img-bbox(TL_x,TL_y,BR_x,BR_y) (location of top-left & bottom-right vertices)
  • Column(s) 14: Area (0 - when not available)
  • Column(s) 15-17: World-loc(x,y,z) (longitude, latitude, 0 - when not available)
  • Column(s) 18: Timesetamp(-1 if not available)
  • Column(s) 19: Track-confidence(-1_when_not_available)

Dynamic Config None Algorithm

class dynamic_config_none : public kwiver::vital::algorithm_impl<dynamic_config_none, vital::algo::dynamic_configuration>

A class for bypassing image conversion.

Public Functions


Default constructor.

void set_configuration(kwiver::vital::config_block_sptr config)

Set this algorithm’s properties via a config block.

This method is called to pass a configuration to the algorithm. The implementation of this method should be light-weight and only save the necessary config values. Defer any substantial processing in another method.

  • no_such_configuration_value_exception: Thrown if an expected configuration value is not present.
  • algorithm_configuration_exception: Thrown when the algorithm is given an invalid config_block or is otherwise unable to configure itself.
  • config: The config_block instance containing the configuration parameters for this algorithm

bool check_configuration(kwiver::vital::config_block_sptr config) const

Check that the algorithm’s configuration config_block is valid.

This checks solely within the provided config_block and not against the current state of the instance. This isn’t static for inheritance reasons.

true if the configuration check passed and false if it didn’t.
  • config: The config block to check configuration of.

kwiver::vital::config_block_sptr get_dynamic_configuration()

Return dynamic configuration values.

This method returns dynamic configuration values. A valid config block is returned even if there are not values being returned.

Public Static Attributes

constexpr char const *name = "none"

Name of the algorithm.

constexpr char const *description


“Null implementation of dynamic_configuration.\n\n”


algorithm always returns an empty configuration block."

Description of the algorithm.

Estimate Canonical Transform Algorithm

class estimate_canonical_transform : public kwiver::vital::algorithm_impl<estimate_canonical_transform, vital::algo::estimate_canonical_transform>

Algorithm for estimating a canonical transform for cameras and landmarks.

A canonical transform is a repeatable transformation that can be recovered from data. In this case we assume at most a similarity transformation. If data sets P1 and P2 are equivalent up to a similarity transformation, then applying a canonical transform to P1 and separately a canonical transform to P2 should bring the data into the same coordinates.

This implementation centers the data at the mean of the landmarks. It orients the data using PCA on the landmarks such that the X-axis aligns with the largest principal direction and the Z-axis aligns with the smallest. The data is oriented such that the positive Z axis points toward the mean of the camera centers. The scale is set to normalized the landmarks to unit standard deviation.

Public Functions





estimate_canonical_transform(const estimate_canonical_transform &other)

Copy Constructor.

vital::config_block_sptr get_configuration() const

Get this algorithm’s configuration block .

void set_configuration(vital::config_block_sptr config)

Set this algorithm’s properties via a config block.

bool check_configuration(vital::config_block_sptr config) const

Check that the algorithm’s configuration config_block is valid.

kwiver::vital::similarity_d estimate_transform(kwiver::vital::camera_map_sptr const cameras, kwiver::vital::landmark_map_sptr const landmarks) const

Estimate a canonical similarity transform for cameras and points.

An estimated similarity transform mapping the data to the canonical space.
This algorithm does not apply the transformation, it only estimates it.
  • cameras: The camera map containing all the cameras
  • landmarks: The landmark map containing all the 3D landmarks
  • algorithm_exception: When the data is insufficient or degenerate.

Public Static Attributes

constexpr char const *name = "core_pca"

Name of the algorithm.

constexpr char const *description


“Uses PCA to estimate a canonical similarity transform”

” that aligns the best fit plane to Z=0”

Description of the algorithm.

class priv

Private implementation class.

Public Functions



Example Detector Algorithm

class example_detector : public kwiver::vital::algorithm_impl<example_detector, vital::algo::image_object_detector>

Public Functions

vital::config_block_sptr get_configuration() const

Get this algorithm’s configuration block .

Get this alg’s configuration block .

This method returns the required configuration for the algorithm. The implementation of this method should be light-weight and only create and fill in the config block.

This base virtual function implementation returns an empty configuration.

config_block containing the configuration for this algorithm and any nested components.

void set_configuration(vital::config_block_sptr config)

Set this algorithm’s properties via a config block.

This method is called to pass a configuration to the algorithm. The implementation of this method should be light-weight and only save the necessary config values. Defer any substantial processing in another method.

  • no_such_configuration_value_exception: Thrown if an expected configuration value is not present.
  • algorithm_configuration_exception: Thrown when the algorithm is given an invalid config_block or is otherwise unable to configure itself.
  • config: The config_block instance containing the configuration parameters for this algorithm

bool check_configuration(vital::config_block_sptr config) const

Check that the algorithm’s configuration config_block is valid.

This checks solely within the provided config_block and not against the current state of the instance. This isn’t static for inheritance reasons.

true if the configuration check passed and false if it didn’t.
  • config: The config block to check configuration of.

kwiver::vital::detected_object_set_sptr detect(vital::image_container_sptr image_data) const

Find all objects on the provided image.

This method analyzes the supplied image and along with any saved context, returns a vector of detected image objects.

vector of image objects found
  • image_data: the image pixels

Feature Descriptor I/O Algorithm

class feature_descriptor_io : public kwiver::vital::algorithm_impl<feature_descriptor_io, vital::algo::feature_descriptor_io>

A class for reading and writing feature and desriptor sets.

Public Functions





vital::config_block_sptr get_configuration() const

Get this algorithm’s configuration block .

void set_configuration(vital::config_block_sptr config)

Set this algorithm’s properties via a config block.

bool check_configuration(vital::config_block_sptr config) const

Check that the algorithm’s currently configuration is valid.

Public Static Attributes

constexpr char const *name = "core"

Name of the algorithm.

constexpr char const *description


“Read and write features and


” to binary files using Cereal serialization.”

Description of the algorithm.

class priv

Public Functions



Filter Features Magnitude Algorithm

class filter_features_magnitude : public kwiver::vital::algorithm_impl<filter_features_magnitude, vital::algo::filter_features>

Algorithm that filters features based on feature magnitude.

Public Functions





vital::config_block_sptr get_configuration() const

Get this algorithm’s configuration block .

void set_configuration(vital::config_block_sptr config)

Set this algorithm’s properties via a config block.

bool check_configuration(vital::config_block_sptr config) const

Check that the algorithm’s configuration config_block is valid.

Public Static Attributes

constexpr char const *name = "magnitude"

Name of the algorithm.

constexpr char const *description


“Filter features using a


” on the magnitude of the detector response function.”

Description of the algorithm.

class priv

Private implementation class.

Public Functions



Filter Fatures Scale Algorithm

class filter_features_scale : public kwiver::vital::algorithm_impl<filter_features_scale, vital::algo::filter_features>

Algorithm that filters features based on feature scale.

Public Functions





vital::config_block_sptr get_configuration() const

Get this algorithm’s configuration block .

void set_configuration(vital::config_block_sptr config)

Set this algorithm’s properties via a config block.

bool check_configuration(vital::config_block_sptr config) const

Check that the algorithm’s configuration config_block is valid.

Public Static Attributes

constexpr char const *name = "scale"

Name of the algorithm.

constexpr char const *description


“Filter features using a

threshold on the scale of the detected features."

Description of the algorithm.

Filter Tracks Algorithm

class filter_tracks : public kwiver::vital::algorithm_impl<filter_tracks, vital::algo::filter_tracks>

Algorithm that filters tracks on various attributes.

Public Functions





vital::config_block_sptr get_configuration() const

Get this algorithm’s configuration block .

void set_configuration(vital::config_block_sptr config)

Set this algorithm’s properties via a config block.

bool check_configuration(vital::config_block_sptr config) const

Check that the algorithm’s configuration config_block is valid.

vital::track_set_sptr filter(vital::track_set_sptr input) const

filter a track set

a filtered version of the track set
  • track: set to filter

Public Static Attributes

constexpr char const *name = "core"

Name of the algorithm.

constexpr char const *description


“Filter tracks by

track length or matrix matrix importance."

Description of the algorithm.

class priv

Private implementation class.

Public Functions



Formulate Query Core Algorithm

class formulate_query_core : public kwiver::vital::algorithm_impl<formulate_query_core, vital::algo::formulate_query>

A basic query formulator.

Public Functions


Default Constructor.

vital::config_block_sptr get_configuration() const

Get this algorithm’s configuration block .

Get this alg’s configuration block .

This base virtual function implementation returns an empty configuration block whose name is set to this->type_name.

config_block containing the configuration for this algorithm and any nested components.

void set_configuration(vital::config_block_sptr config)

Set this algorithm’s properties via a config block.

Set this algo’s properties via a config block.

  • no_such_configuration_value_exception: Thrown if an expected configuration value is not present.
  • algorithm_configuration_exception: Thrown when the algorithm is given an invalid config_block or is’ otherwise unable to configure itself.
  • config: The config_block instance containing the configuration parameters for this algorithm

bool check_configuration(vital::config_block_sptr config) const

Check that the algorithm’s currently configuration is valid.

This checks solely within the provided config_block and not against the current state of the instance. This isn’t static for inheritence reasons.

true if the configuration check passed and false if it didn’t.
  • config: The config block to check configuration of.

kwiver::vital::track_descriptor_set_sptr formulate(kwiver::vital::descriptor_request_sptr request)

Formulate query.

Extend a previous set of tracks using the current frame.

Public Static Attributes

constexpr char const *name = "core"

Name of the algorithm.

constexpr char const *description


“Formulate descriptors for later queries.”

Description of the algorithm.

Hierarchical Bundle Adjust Algorithm

class hierarchical_bundle_adjust : public kwiver::vital::algorithm_impl<hierarchical_bundle_adjust, vital::algo::bundle_adjust>

Public Functions





vital::config_block_sptr get_configuration() const

Get this algorithm’s configuration block .

void set_configuration(vital::config_block_sptr config)

Set this algorithm’s properties via a config block.

bool check_configuration(vital::config_block_sptr config) const

Check that the algorithm’s configuration vital::config_block is valid.

void optimize(vital::camera_map_sptr &cameras, vital::landmark_map_sptr &landmarks, vital::feature_track_set_sptr tracks, vital::metadata_map_sptr metadata = nullptr) const

Optimize the camera and landmark parameters given a set of tracks.

Making naive assuptions:

  • cameras we are given are in sequence (no previous sub-sampling and no frame gaps)
  • given camera map evenly interpolates with the current configuration
  • Assuming that all frames we interpolate have tracks/landmarks with which to optimize that camera over.

Public Static Attributes

constexpr char const *name = "hierarchical"

Name of the algorithm.

constexpr char const *description


“Run a bundle adjustment


in a temporally hierarchical fashion”

” (useful for video)”

Description of the algorithm.

Initialize Cameras Landmarks Algorithm

class initialize_cameras_landmarks : public kwiver::vital::algorithm_impl<initialize_cameras_landmarks, vital::algo::initialize_cameras_landmarks>

A class for initialization of cameras and landmarks.

Public Functions





initialize_cameras_landmarks(const initialize_cameras_landmarks &other)

Copy Constructor.

vital::config_block_sptr get_configuration() const

Get this algorithm’s configuration block .

void set_configuration(vital::config_block_sptr config)

Set this algorithm’s properties via a config block.

bool check_configuration(vital::config_block_sptr config) const

Check that the algorithm’s currently configuration is valid.

void initialize(vital::camera_map_sptr &cameras, vital::landmark_map_sptr &landmarks, vital::feature_track_set_sptr tracks, vital::metadata_map_sptr metadata = nullptr) const

Initialize the camera and landmark parameters given a set of feature tracks.

The algorithm creates an initial estimate of any missing cameras and landmarks using the available cameras, landmarks, and feature tracks. If the input cameras map is a NULL pointer then the algorithm should try to initialize all cameras covered by the track set. If the input camera map exists then the algorithm should only initialize cameras on frames for which the camera is set to NULL. Frames not in the map will not be initialized. This allows the caller to control which subset of cameras to initialize without needing to manipulate the feature tracks. The analogous behavior is also applied to the input landmarks map to select which track IDs should be used to initialize landmarks.

This algorithm may optionally revise the estimates of existing cameras and landmarks passed as input.
  • cameras: the cameras to initialize
  • landmarks: the landmarks to initialize
  • tracks: the feature tracks to use as constraints
  • metadata: the frame metadata to use as constraints

void set_callback(callback_t cb)

Set a callback function to report intermediate progress.

Public Static Attributes

constexpr char const *name = "core"

Name of the algorithm.

constexpr char const *description


“Run SfM to iteratively estimate new cameras and landmarks”

” using

feature tracks."

Description of the algorithm.

Match Features Fundamental Matrix Algorithm

class match_features_fundamental_matrix : public kwiver::vital::algorithm_impl<match_features_fundamental_matrix, vital::algo::match_features>

Combines a feature matcher, fundamental matrix estimation, and filtering.

This is a meta-algorithm for feature matching that combines one other feature matcher with fundamental matrix estimation and feature filtering. The algorithm applies another configurable feature matcher algorithm and then applies a fundamental matrix estimation algorithm to the resulting matches. Outliers to the fit fundamental matrix are discarded from the set of matches.

If a filter_features algorithm is provided, this will be run on the input features before running the matcher.

Public Functions


Default Constructor.



vital::config_block_sptr get_configuration() const

Get this alg’s configuration block .

void set_configuration(vital::config_block_sptr config)

Set this algo’s properties via a config block.

bool check_configuration(vital::config_block_sptr config) const

Check that the algorithm’s currently configuration is valid.

match_set_sptr match(vital::feature_set_sptr feat1, vital::descriptor_set_sptr desc1, vital::feature_set_sptr feat2, vital::descriptor_set_sptr desc2) const

Match one set of features and corresponding descriptors to another.

a set of matching indices from feat1 to feat2
  • feat1: the first set of features to match
  • desc1: the descriptors corresponding to feat1
  • feat2: the second set of features to match
  • desc2: the descriptors corresponding to feat2

Public Static Attributes

constexpr char const *name = "fundamental_matrix_guided"

Name of the algorithm.

constexpr char const *description


“Use an estimated fundamental matrix as a geometric filter”

” to remove outlier matches.”

Description of the algorithm.

Match Features Homography Algorithm

class match_features_homography : public kwiver::vital::algorithm_impl<match_features_homography, vital::algo::match_features>

Combines a feature matchers, homography estimation, and filtering.

This is a meta-algorithm for feature matching that combines one or more other feature matchers with homography estimation and feature filtering. The algorithm applies another configurable feature matcher algorithm and then applies a homography estimation algorithm to the resulting matches. Outliers to the fit homography are discarded from the set of matches.

If a second matcher algorithm is provided, this algorithm will warp the feature locations by the estimated homography before applying the second matching algorithm to the aligned points. This approach is useful for finding weak matches that were missed by the first matcher but are easier to detect once approximate location is known. A good choice for the second matcher is vxl::match_features_constrained.

If a filter_features algorithm is provided, this will be run on the input features before running the first matcher. The second matcher will then run on the original unfilter features. This allows, for example, a slower but more robust feature matcher to run on a subset of the strongest feature points in order to quickly establish an and estimated homography. Then a second, fast matcher can pick up the additional weak matches using the constraint that the location in the image is now known approximately.

Public Functions


Default Constructor.



vital::config_block_sptr get_configuration() const

Get this alg’s configuration block .

void set_configuration(vital::config_block_sptr config)

Set this algo’s properties via a config block.

bool check_configuration(vital::config_block_sptr config) const

Check that the algorithm’s currently configuration is valid.

match_set_sptr match(vital::feature_set_sptr feat1, vital::descriptor_set_sptr desc1, vital::feature_set_sptr feat2, vital::descriptor_set_sptr desc2) const

Match one set of features and corresponding descriptors to another.

a set of matching indices from feat1 to feat2
  • feat1: the first set of features to match
  • desc1: the descriptors corresponding to feat1
  • feat2: the second set of features to match
  • desc2: the descriptors corresponding to feat2

void set_first_feature_matcher(vital::algo::match_features_sptr alg)

Set the feature matching algorithms to use.

void set_second_feature_matcher(vital::algo::match_features_sptr alg)

Set the optional second pass feature matching algorithm to use.

void set_feature_filter(vital::algo::filter_features_sptr alg)

Set the optional feature filter to use.

void set_homography_estimator(vital::algo::estimate_homography_sptr alg)

Set the homography estimation algorithm to use.

Public Static Attributes

constexpr char const *name = "homography_guided"

Name of the algorithm.

constexpr char const *description


“Use an estimated


as a geometric filter”

” to remove outlier matches.”

Description of the algorithm.

Track Descriptor Set Output csv Algorithm


doxygenclass: Cannot find class “kwiver::arrows::core::track_descriptor_set_output_csv” in doxygen xml output for project “kwiver” from directory: ./_build/xml

Track Features Core Algorithm

class track_features_core : public kwiver::vital::algorithm_impl<track_features_core, vital::algo::track_features>

A basic feature tracker.

Public Functions


Default Constructor.



vital::config_block_sptr get_configuration() const

Get this algorithm’s configuration block .

Get this alg’s configuration block .

This base virtual function implementation returns an empty configuration block whose name is set to this->type_name.

config_block containing the configuration for this algorithm and any nested components.

void set_configuration(vital::config_block_sptr config)

Set this algorithm’s properties via a config block.

Set this algo’s properties via a config block.

  • no_such_configuration_value_exception: Thrown if an expected configuration value is not present.
  • algorithm_configuration_exception: Thrown when the algorithm is given an invalid config_block or is’ otherwise unable to configure itself.
  • config: The config_block instance containing the configuration parameters for this algorithm

bool check_configuration(vital::config_block_sptr config) const

Check that the algorithm’s currently configuration is valid.

This checks solely within the provided config_block and not against the current state of the instance. This isn’t static for inheritence reasons.

true if the configuration check passed and false if it didn’t.
  • config: The config block to check configuration of.

feature_track_set_sptr track(vital::feature_track_set_sptr prev_tracks, unsigned int frame_number, vital::image_container_sptr image_data, vital::image_container_sptr mask = vital::image_container_sptr()) const

Extend a previous set of feature tracks using the current frame.

Extend a previous set of tracks using the current frame.

an updated set of feature tracks including the current frame
  • image_size_mismatch_exception: When the given non-zero mask image does not match the size of the dimensions of the given image data.
  • prev_tracks: the feature tracks from previous tracking steps
  • frame_number: the frame number of the current frame
  • image_data: the image pixels for the current frame
  • mask: Optional mask image that uses positive values to denote regions of the input image to consider for feature tracking. An empty sptr indicates no mask (default value).

Public Static Attributes

constexpr char const *name = "core"

Name of the algorithm.

constexpr char const *description


“Track features from frame to frame”

” using

feature detection, matching, and loop closure."

Description of the algorithm.

class priv

Private implementation class.

Public Functions



Public Members

vital::algo::detect_features_sptr detector

The feature detector algorithm to use.

vital::algo::extract_descriptors_sptr extractor

The descriptor extractor algorithm to use.

vital::algo::feature_descriptor_io_sptr feature_io

The file I/O for feature descriptor caching.

vital::algo::match_features_sptr matcher

The feature matching algorithm to use.

vital::algo::close_loops_sptr closer

The loop closure algorithm to use.

Frame Index Track Set Class

class frame_index_track_set_impl : public kwiver::vital::track_set_implementation

A custom track set implementation that provides fast indexing by frame id.

This track_set_implementation is designed to make querying tracks by frame id more efficient. The simple track set must scan every track state of every track to find tracks on a given frame for each request. This implementation caches the mapping from frames to track states for faster retrieval.

Public Functions


Default Constructor.

frame_index_track_set_impl(const std::vector<vital::track_sptr> &tracks)

Constructor from a vector of tracks.

virtual ~frame_index_track_set_impl()


size_t size() const

Return the number of tracks in the set.

bool empty() const

Return whether or not there are any tracks in the set.

bool contains(vital::track_sptr t) const

Return true if the set contains a specific track.

void set_tracks(std::vector<vital::track_sptr> const &tracks)

Assign a vector of track shared pointers to this container.

void insert(vital::track_sptr t)

Insert a track shared pointer into this container.

void notify_new_state(vital::track_state_sptr ts)

Notify the container that a new state has been added to an existing track.

bool remove(vital::track_sptr t)

Remove a track from the set and return true if successful.

std::vector<track_sptr> tracks() const

Return a vector of track shared pointers.

std::set<frame_id_t> all_frame_ids() const

Return the set of all frame IDs covered by these tracks.

std::set<track_id_t> all_track_ids() const

Return the set of all track IDs in this track set.

frame_id_t first_frame() const

Return the first (smallest) frame number containing tracks.

frame_id_t last_frame() const

Return the last (largest) frame number containing tracks.

track_sptr const get_track(vital::track_id_t tid) const

Return the track in this set with the specified id.

Return the track in the set with the specified id.

std::vector<track_sptr> active_tracks(vital::frame_id_t offset = -1) const

Return all tracks active on a frame.

std::vector<track_sptr> inactive_tracks(vital::frame_id_t offset = -1) const

Return all tracks inactive on a frame.

Return all tracks not active on a frame.

std::vector<track_sptr> new_tracks(vital::frame_id_t offset = -1) const

Return all tracks newly initialized on the given frame.

Return all new tracks on a given frame.

std::vector<track_sptr> terminated_tracks(vital::frame_id_t offset = -1) const

Return all tracks terminated on the given frame.

Return all terminated tracks on a given frame.

double percentage_tracked(vital::frame_id_t offset1 = -2, vital::frame_id_t offset2 = -1) const

Return the percentage of tracks successfully tracked between two frames.

Return the percentage of tracks successfully tracked to the next frame.

std::vector<track_state_sptr> frame_states(vital::frame_id_t offset = -1) const

Return a vector of state data corresponding to the tracks on the given frame.

virtual vital::track_set_frame_data_map_t all_frame_data() const

Returns all frame data as map of frame index to track_set_frame_data.

track_set_frame_data_sptr frame_data(vital::frame_id_t offset = -1) const

Return the additional data associated with all tracks on the given frame.

virtual bool set_frame_data(vital::track_set_frame_data_map_t const &fmap)

Set additional frame data associated with all tracks for all frames.

bool set_frame_data(vital::track_set_frame_data_sptr data, vital::frame_id_t offset = -1)

Set additional data associated with all tracks on the given frame.

track_set_implementation_uptr clone() const

Clone this track set implementation.

Triangulate Landmarks Algorithm

class triangulate_landmarks : public kwiver::vital::algorithm_impl<triangulate_landmarks, vital::algo::triangulate_landmarks>

A class for triangulating landmarks from feature tracks and cameras using Eigen.

Public Functions





triangulate_landmarks(const triangulate_landmarks &other)

Copy Constructor.

vital::config_block_sptr get_configuration() const

Get this alg’s configuration block .

void set_configuration(vital::config_block_sptr config)

Set this algo’s properties via a config block.

bool check_configuration(vital::config_block_sptr config) const

Check that the algorithm’s currently configuration is valid.

void triangulate(vital::camera_map_sptr cameras, vital::feature_track_set_sptr tracks, vital::landmark_map_sptr &landmarks) const

Triangulate the landmark locations given sets of cameras and feature tracks.

This function only triangulates the landmarks with indicies in the landmark map and which have support in the tracks and cameras

  • cameras: the cameras viewing the landmarks
  • tracks: the feature tracks to use as constraints
  • landmarks: the landmarks to triangulate

Public Static Attributes

constexpr char const *name = "core"

Name of the algorithm.

constexpr char const *description


“Triangulate landmarks from tracks and cameras”

” using a simple least squares solver.”

Description of the algorithm.

Video Input Filter Algorithm

class video_input_filter : public kwiver::vital::algorithm_impl<video_input_filter, vital::algo::video_input>

A video reader that filters the frames and metadata.

This class implements a video input that down selects frames ready by another video reader. It may down sample the framerate, remove frames before or after indicated frames, etc.

Public Functions



vital::config_block_sptr get_configuration() const

Get this algorithm’s configuration block .

void set_configuration(vital::config_block_sptr config)

Set this algorithm’s properties via a config block.

bool check_configuration(vital::config_block_sptr config) const

Check that the algorithm’s currently configuration is valid.

void open(std::string video_name)

Open a video stream.

This method opens the specified video stream for reading. The format of the name depends on the concrete implementation. It could be a file name or it could be a URI.

Capabilities are set in this call, so they are available after.

Once a video is opened, it starts in an invalid state (i.e. before the first frame of video). You must call next_frame() to step to the first frame of video before calling frame_image().
  • video_name: Identifier of the video stream.
  • exception: if open failed

void close()

Close video stream.

Close the currently opened stream and release resources. Closing a stream that is already closed does not cause a problem.

bool end_of_video() const

Return end of video status.

This method returns the end-of-video status of the input video. true is returned if the last frame has been returned.

This method will always return false for video streams that have no ability to detect end of video, such as network streams.

true if at end of video, false otherwise.

bool good() const

Check whether state of video stream is good.

This method checks the current state of the video stream to see if it is good. A stream is good if it refers to a valid frame such that calls to frame_image() and frame_metadata() are expected to return meaningful data. After calling open() the initial video state is not good until the first call to next_frame().

true if video stream is good, false if not good.

bool seekable() const

Return whether video stream is seekable.

This method returns whether the video stream is seekable.

true if video stream is seekable, false otherwise.

size_t num_frames() const

Get the number of frames in the video stream.

Get the number of frames available in the video stream.

the number of frames in the video stream, or 0 if the video stream is not seekable.
  • video_stream_exception: when there is an error in the video stream.

bool next_frame(kwiver::vital::timestamp &ts, uint32_t timeout = 0)

Advance to next frame in video stream.

This method advances the video stream to the next frame, making the image and metadata available. The returned timestamp is for new current frame.

The timestamp returned may be missing either frame number or time or both, depending on the actual implementation.

Calling this method will make a new image and metadata packets available. They can be retrieved by calling frame_image() and frame_metadata().

Check the HAS_TIMEOUT capability from the concrete implementation to see if the timeout feature is supported.

If the video input is already an end, then calling this method will return false.

true if frame returned, false if end of video.
  • ts: Time stamp of new frame.
  • timeout: Number of seconds to wait. 0 = no timeout.
  • video_input_timeout_exception: when the timeout expires.
  • video_stream_exception: when there is an error in the video stream.

bool seek_frame(kwiver::vital::timestamp &ts, kwiver::vital::timestamp::frame_t frame_number, uint32_t timeout = 0)

Seek to the given frame number in video stream.

This method seeks the video stream to the requested frame, making the image and metadata available. The returned timestamp is for new current frame.

The timestamp returned may be missing the time.

Calling this method will make a new image and metadata packets available. They can be retrieved by calling frame_image() and frame_metadata().

Check the HAS_TIMEOUT capability from the concrete implementation to see if the timeout feature is supported.

If the frame requested does not exist, then calling this method will return false.

If the video input is not seekable then calling this method will return false.

true if frame returned, false if end of video.
  • ts: Time stamp of new frame.
  • frame_number: The frame to seek to.
  • timeout: Number of seconds to wait. 0 = no timeout.
  • video_input_timeout_exception: when the timeout expires.
  • video_stream_exception: when there is an error in the video stream.

kwiver::vital::timestamp frame_timestamp() const

Obtain the time stamp of the current frame.

This method returns the time stamp of the current frame, if any, or an invalid time stamp. The returned time stamp shall have the same value as was set by the most recent call to next_frame().

This method is idempotent. Calling it multiple times without calling next_frame() will return the same time stamp.

The time stamp of the current frame.

kwiver::vital::image_container_sptr frame_image()

Get current frame from video stream.

This method returns the image from the current frame. If the video input is already an end, then calling this method will return a null pointer.

This method is idempotent. Calling it multiple times without calling next_frame() will return the same image.

Pointer to image container.
  • video_stream_exception: when there is an error in the video stream.

kwiver::vital::metadata_vector frame_metadata()

Get metadata collection for current frame.

This method returns the metadata collection for the current frame. It is best to call this after calling next_frame() to make sure the metadata and video are synchronized and that no metadata collections are lost.

Metadata typically occurs less frequently than video frames, so if you call next_frame() and frame_metadata() together while processing a video, there may be times where no metadata is returned. In this case an empty metadata vector will be returned.

Also note that the metadata collection contains a timestamp that can be used to determine where the metadata fits in the video stream.

In video streams without metadata (as determined by the stream capability), this method may return and empty vector, indicating no new metadata has been found.

Calling this method at end of video will return an empty metadata vector.

This method is idempotent. Calling it multiple times without calling next_frame() will return the same metadata.

Vector of metadata pointers.
  • video_stream_exception: when there is an error in the video stream.

kwiver::vital::metadata_map_sptr metadata_map()

Get metadata map for video.

This method returns a metadata map for the video assuming the video is seekable. If the video is not seekable it will return an empty map. Depending on the implementation if the metamap has not been previously requested then the video will have to loop over to create and store the metadata map.

In video streams without metadata (as determined by the stream capability), this method will return an empty map, indicating no metadata has been found.

Map of vectors of metadata pointers.
  • video_stream_exception: when there is an error in the video stream.

Public Static Attributes

constexpr char const *name = "filter"

Name of the algorithm.

constexpr char const *description


“A video input that calls another video input”

” and filters the output on frame range and other parameters.”

Description of the algorithm.

Video Input Image_list Algorithm

class video_input_image_list : public kwiver::vital::algorithm_impl<video_input_image_list, vital::algo::video_input>

Video input using list of images.

This class implements a video input algorithm using a list of images to simulate a video. Only the images are returned. This algorithm produces no metadata.

Example config: select reader type

image_reader:type = vxl

Public Functions



vital::config_block_sptr get_configuration() const

Get this algorithm’s configuration block .

void set_configuration(vital::config_block_sptr config)

Set this algorithm’s properties via a config block.

bool check_configuration(vital::config_block_sptr config) const

Check that the algorithm’s currently configuration is valid.

void open(std::string list_name)

Open a list of images.

This method opens the file that contains the list of images. Each image verified to exist at this time.

  • list_name: Name of file that contains list of images.

void close()

Close video stream.

Close the currently opened stream and release resources. Closing a stream that is already closed does not cause a problem.

bool end_of_video() const

Return end of video status.

This method returns the end-of-video status of the input video. true is returned if the last frame has been returned.

This method will always return false for video streams that have no ability to detect end of video, such as network streams.

true if at end of video, false otherwise.

bool good() const

Check whether state of video stream is good.

This method checks the current state of the video stream to see if it is good. A stream is good if it refers to a valid frame such that calls to frame_image() and frame_metadata() are expected to return meaningful data. After calling open() the initial video state is not good until the first call to next_frame().

true if video stream is good, false if not good.

bool seekable() const

Return whether video stream is seekable.

This method returns whether the video stream is seekable.

true if video stream is seekable, false otherwise.

size_t num_frames() const

Get the number of frames in the video stream.

Get the number of frames available in the video stream.

the number of frames in the video stream, or 0 if the video stream is not seekable.
  • video_stream_exception: when there is an error in the video stream.

bool next_frame(kwiver::vital::timestamp &ts, uint32_t timeout = 0)

Advance to next frame in video stream.

This method advances the video stream to the next frame, making the image and metadata available. The returned timestamp is for new current frame.

The timestamp returned may be missing either frame number or time or both, depending on the actual implementation.

Calling this method will make a new image and metadata packets available. They can be retrieved by calling frame_image() and frame_metadata().

Check the HAS_TIMEOUT capability from the concrete implementation to see if the timeout feature is supported.

If the video input is already an end, then calling this method will return false.

true if frame returned, false if end of video.
  • ts: Time stamp of new frame.
  • timeout: Number of seconds to wait. 0 = no timeout.
  • video_input_timeout_exception: when the timeout expires.
  • video_stream_exception: when there is an error in the video stream.

bool seek_frame(kwiver::vital::timestamp &ts, kwiver::vital::timestamp::frame_t frame_number, uint32_t timeout = 0)

Seek to the given frame number in video stream.

This method seeks the video stream to the requested frame, making the image and metadata available. The returned timestamp is for new current frame.

The timestamp returned may be missing the time.

Calling this method will make a new image and metadata packets available. They can be retrieved by calling frame_image() and frame_metadata().

Check the HAS_TIMEOUT capability from the concrete implementation to see if the timeout feature is supported.

If the frame requested does not exist, then calling this method will return false.

If the video input is not seekable then calling this method will return false.

true if frame returned, false if end of video.
  • ts: Time stamp of new frame.
  • frame_number: The frame to seek to.
  • timeout: Number of seconds to wait. 0 = no timeout.
  • video_input_timeout_exception: when the timeout expires.
  • video_stream_exception: when there is an error in the video stream.

kwiver::vital::timestamp frame_timestamp() const

Obtain the time stamp of the current frame.

This method returns the time stamp of the current frame, if any, or an invalid time stamp. The returned time stamp shall have the same value as was set by the most recent call to next_frame().

This method is idempotent. Calling it multiple times without calling next_frame() will return the same time stamp.

The time stamp of the current frame.

kwiver::vital::image_container_sptr frame_image()

Get current frame from video stream.

This method returns the image from the current frame. If the video input is already an end, then calling this method will return a null pointer.

This method is idempotent. Calling it multiple times without calling next_frame() will return the same image.

Pointer to image container.
  • video_stream_exception: when there is an error in the video stream.

kwiver::vital::metadata_vector frame_metadata()

Get metadata collection for current frame.

This method returns the metadata collection for the current frame. It is best to call this after calling next_frame() to make sure the metadata and video are synchronized and that no metadata collections are lost.

Metadata typically occurs less frequently than video frames, so if you call next_frame() and frame_metadata() together while processing a video, there may be times where no metadata is returned. In this case an empty metadata vector will be returned.

Also note that the metadata collection contains a timestamp that can be used to determine where the metadata fits in the video stream.

In video streams without metadata (as determined by the stream capability), this method may return and empty vector, indicating no new metadata has been found.

Calling this method at end of video will return an empty metadata vector.

This method is idempotent. Calling it multiple times without calling next_frame() will return the same metadata.

Vector of metadata pointers.
  • video_stream_exception: when there is an error in the video stream.

kwiver::vital::metadata_map_sptr metadata_map()

Get metadata map for video.

This method returns a metadata map for the video assuming the video is seekable. If the video is not seekable it will return an empty map. Depending on the implementation if the metamap has not been previously requested then the video will have to loop over to create and store the metadata map.

In video streams without metadata (as determined by the stream capability), this method will return an empty map, indicating no metadata has been found.

Map of vectors of metadata pointers.
  • video_stream_exception: when there is an error in the video stream.

Public Static Attributes

constexpr char const *name = "image_list"

Name of the algorithm.

constexpr char const *description


“Read a list of images from a list of file names”

” and presents them in the same way as reading a video.”

” The actual

algorithm to read an image

is specified”

” in the "image_reader" config block.”

” Read an

image list as a video stream."

Description of the algorithm.

Video Input Pos Algorithm

class video_input_pos : public kwiver::vital::algorithm_impl<video_input_pos, vital::algo::video_input>

Metadata reader using the AFRL POS file format.

This class implements a video input algorithm that returns only metadata.

The algorithm takes configuration for a directory full of images and an associated directory name for the metadata files. These metadata files have the same base name as the image files.

Public Functions



vital::config_block_sptr get_configuration() const

Get this algorithm’s configuration block .

void set_configuration(vital::config_block_sptr config)

Set this algorithm’s properties via a config block.

bool check_configuration(vital::config_block_sptr config) const

Check that the algorithm’s currently configuration is valid.

void open(std::string list_name)

Open a list of images.

This method opens the file that contains the list of images. The individual image names are used to find the associated metadata file in the directory supplied via the configuration.

  • list_name: Name of file that contains list of images.

void close()

Close video stream.

Close the currently opened stream and release resources. Closing a stream that is already closed does not cause a problem.

bool end_of_video() const

Return end of video status.

This method returns the end-of-video status of the input video. true is returned if the last frame has been returned.

This method will always return false for video streams that have no ability to detect end of video, such as network streams.

true if at end of video, false otherwise.

bool good() const

Check whether state of video stream is good.

This method checks the current state of the video stream to see if it is good. A stream is good if it refers to a valid frame such that calls to frame_image() and frame_metadata() are expected to return meaningful data. After calling open() the initial video state is not good until the first call to next_frame().

true if video stream is good, false if not good.

bool seekable() const

Return whether video stream is seekable.

This method returns whether the video stream is seekable.

true if video stream is seekable, false otherwise.

size_t num_frames() const

Get the number of frames in the video stream.

Get the number of frames available in the video stream.

the number of frames in the video stream, or 0 if the video stream is not seekable.
  • video_stream_exception: when there is an error in the video stream.

bool next_frame(kwiver::vital::timestamp &ts, uint32_t timeout = 0)

Advance to next frame in video stream.

This method advances the video stream to the next frame, making the image and metadata available. The returned timestamp is for new current frame.

The timestamp returned may be missing either frame number or time or both, depending on the actual implementation.

Calling this method will make a new image and metadata packets available. They can be retrieved by calling frame_image() and frame_metadata().

Check the HAS_TIMEOUT capability from the concrete implementation to see if the timeout feature is supported.

If the video input is already an end, then calling this method will return false.

true if frame returned, false if end of video.
  • ts: Time stamp of new frame.
  • timeout: Number of seconds to wait. 0 = no timeout.
  • video_input_timeout_exception: when the timeout expires.
  • video_stream_exception: when there is an error in the video stream.

bool seek_frame(kwiver::vital::timestamp &ts, kwiver::vital::timestamp::frame_t frame_number, uint32_t timeout = 0)

Seek to the given frame number in video stream.

This method seeks the video stream to the requested frame, making the image and metadata available. The returned timestamp is for new current frame.

The timestamp returned may be missing the time.

Calling this method will make a new image and metadata packets available. They can be retrieved by calling frame_image() and frame_metadata().

Check the HAS_TIMEOUT capability from the concrete implementation to see if the timeout feature is supported.

If the frame requested does not exist, then calling this method will return false.

If the video input is not seekable then calling this method will return false.

true if frame returned, false if end of video.
  • ts: Time stamp of new frame.
  • frame_number: The frame to seek to.
  • timeout: Number of seconds to wait. 0 = no timeout.
  • video_input_timeout_exception: when the timeout expires.
  • video_stream_exception: when there is an error in the video stream.

kwiver::vital::timestamp frame_timestamp() const

Obtain the time stamp of the current frame.

This method returns the time stamp of the current frame, if any, or an invalid time stamp. The returned time stamp shall have the same value as was set by the most recent call to next_frame().

This method is idempotent. Calling it multiple times without calling next_frame() will return the same time stamp.

The time stamp of the current frame.

kwiver::vital::image_container_sptr frame_image()

Get current frame from video stream.

This method returns the image from the current frame. If the video input is already an end, then calling this method will return a null pointer.

This method is idempotent. Calling it multiple times without calling next_frame() will return the same image.

Pointer to image container.
  • video_stream_exception: when there is an error in the video stream.

kwiver::vital::metadata_vector frame_metadata()

Get metadata collection for current frame.

This method returns the metadata collection for the current frame. It is best to call this after calling next_frame() to make sure the metadata and video are synchronized and that no metadata collections are lost.

Metadata typically occurs less frequently than video frames, so if you call next_frame() and frame_metadata() together while processing a video, there may be times where no metadata is returned. In this case an empty metadata vector will be returned.

Also note that the metadata collection contains a timestamp that can be used to determine where the metadata fits in the video stream.

In video streams without metadata (as determined by the stream capability), this method may return and empty vector, indicating no new metadata has been found.

Calling this method at end of video will return an empty metadata vector.

This method is idempotent. Calling it multiple times without calling next_frame() will return the same metadata.

Vector of metadata pointers.
  • video_stream_exception: when there is an error in the video stream.

kwiver::vital::metadata_map_sptr metadata_map()

Get metadata map for video.

This method returns a metadata map for the video assuming the video is seekable. If the video is not seekable it will return an empty map. Depending on the implementation if the metamap has not been previously requested then the video will have to loop over to create and store the metadata map.

In video streams without metadata (as determined by the stream capability), this method will return an empty map, indicating no metadata has been found.

Map of vectors of metadata pointers.
  • video_stream_exception: when there is an error in the video stream.

Public Static Attributes

constexpr char const *name = "pos"

Name of the algorithm.

constexpr char const *description


“Read video


in AFRL POS format.”

” The


takes configuration for a directory full of images”

” and an associated directory

name for the metadata


” These

metadata files have the same base name as the image


” Each

metadata file is associated with the image


” of the same base name.”

Description of the algorithm.

Video Input Split Algorithm

class video_input_split : public kwiver::vital::algorithm_impl<video_input_split, vital::algo::video_input>

Video input that pulls image and metadata inputs from different sources.

This class implements a video input algorithm that holds two other video input algorithms and pulls imagery from one and metadata from the other.

Public Functions



vital::config_block_sptr get_configuration() const

Get this algorithm’s configuration block .

void set_configuration(vital::config_block_sptr config)

Set this algorithm’s properties via a config block.

bool check_configuration(vital::config_block_sptr config) const

Check that the algorithm’s currently configuration is valid.

void open(std::string video_name)

Open a video stream.

This method opens the specified video stream for reading. The format of the name depends on the concrete implementation. It could be a file name or it could be a URI.

Capabilities are set in this call, so they are available after.

Once a video is opened, it starts in an invalid state (i.e. before the first frame of video). You must call next_frame() to step to the first frame of video before calling frame_image().
  • video_name: Identifier of the video stream.
  • exception: if open failed

void close()

Close video stream.

Close the currently opened stream and release resources. Closing a stream that is already closed does not cause a problem.

bool end_of_video() const

Return end of video status.

This method returns the end-of-video status of the input video. true is returned if the last frame has been returned.

This method will always return false for video streams that have no ability to detect end of video, such as network streams.

true if at end of video, false otherwise.

bool good() const

Check whether state of video stream is good.

This method checks the current state of the video stream to see if it is good. A stream is good if it refers to a valid frame such that calls to frame_image() and frame_metadata() are expected to return meaningful data. After calling open() the initial video state is not good until the first call to next_frame().

true if video stream is good, false if not good.

bool seekable() const

Return whether video stream is seekable.

This method returns whether the video stream is seekable.

true if video stream is seekable, false otherwise.

size_t num_frames() const

Get the number of frames in the video stream.

Get the number of frames available in the video stream.

the number of frames in the video stream, or 0 if the video stream is not seekable.
  • video_stream_exception: when there is an error in the video stream.

bool next_frame(kwiver::vital::timestamp &ts, uint32_t timeout = 0)

Advance to next frame in video stream.

This method advances the video stream to the next frame, making the image and metadata available. The returned timestamp is for new current frame.

The timestamp returned may be missing either frame number or time or both, depending on the actual implementation.

Calling this method will make a new image and metadata packets available. They can be retrieved by calling frame_image() and frame_metadata().

Check the HAS_TIMEOUT capability from the concrete implementation to see if the timeout feature is supported.

If the video input is already an end, then calling this method will return false.

true if frame returned, false if end of video.
  • ts: Time stamp of new frame.
  • timeout: Number of seconds to wait. 0 = no timeout.
  • video_input_timeout_exception: when the timeout expires.
  • video_stream_exception: when there is an error in the video stream.

bool seek_frame(kwiver::vital::timestamp &ts, kwiver::vital::timestamp::frame_t frame_number, uint32_t timeout = 0)

Seek to the given frame number in video stream.

This method seeks the video stream to the requested frame, making the image and metadata available. The returned timestamp is for new current frame.

The timestamp returned may be missing the time.

Calling this method will make a new image and metadata packets available. They can be retrieved by calling frame_image() and frame_metadata().

Check the HAS_TIMEOUT capability from the concrete implementation to see if the timeout feature is supported.

If the frame requested does not exist, then calling this method will return false.

If the video input is not seekable then calling this method will return false.

true if frame returned, false if end of video.
  • ts: Time stamp of new frame.
  • frame_number: The frame to seek to.
  • timeout: Number of seconds to wait. 0 = no timeout.
  • video_input_timeout_exception: when the timeout expires.
  • video_stream_exception: when there is an error in the video stream.

kwiver::vital::timestamp frame_timestamp() const

Obtain the time stamp of the current frame.

This method returns the time stamp of the current frame, if any, or an invalid time stamp. The returned time stamp shall have the same value as was set by the most recent call to next_frame().

This method is idempotent. Calling it multiple times without calling next_frame() will return the same time stamp.

The time stamp of the current frame.

kwiver::vital::image_container_sptr frame_image()

Get current frame from video stream.

This method returns the image from the current frame. If the video input is already an end, then calling this method will return a null pointer.

This method is idempotent. Calling it multiple times without calling next_frame() will return the same image.

Pointer to image container.
  • video_stream_exception: when there is an error in the video stream.

kwiver::vital::metadata_vector frame_metadata()

Get metadata collection for current frame.

This method returns the metadata collection for the current frame. It is best to call this after calling next_frame() to make sure the metadata and video are synchronized and that no metadata collections are lost.

Metadata typically occurs less frequently than video frames, so if you call next_frame() and frame_metadata() together while processing a video, there may be times where no metadata is returned. In this case an empty metadata vector will be returned.

Also note that the metadata collection contains a timestamp that can be used to determine where the metadata fits in the video stream.

In video streams without metadata (as determined by the stream capability), this method may return and empty vector, indicating no new metadata has been found.

Calling this method at end of video will return an empty metadata vector.

This method is idempotent. Calling it multiple times without calling next_frame() will return the same metadata.

Vector of metadata pointers.
  • video_stream_exception: when there is an error in the video stream.

kwiver::vital::metadata_map_sptr metadata_map()

Get metadata map for video.

This method returns a metadata map for the video assuming the video is seekable. If the video is not seekable it will return an empty map. Depending on the implementation if the metamap has not been previously requested then the video will have to loop over to create and store the metadata map.

In video streams without metadata (as determined by the stream capability), this method will return an empty map, indicating no metadata has been found.

Map of vectors of metadata pointers.
  • video_stream_exception: when there is an error in the video stream.

Public Static Attributes

constexpr char const *name = "split"

Name of the algorithm.

constexpr char const *description


“Coordinate two video readers.”

” One reader supplies the


/data stream.”

” The other reader supplies the

metadata stream."

Description of the algorithm.