.. |br| raw:: html
Configuration ------------- .. csv-table:: :header: "Variable", "Default", "Tunable", "Description" :align: left :widths: auto "footer", "bottom", "NO", "Footer text for image display. Displayed centered at bottom of image." "gsd", "3.14159", "NO", "Meters per pixel scaling." "header", "top", "NO", "Header text for image display." Input Ports ----------- .. csv-table:: :header: "Port name", "Data Type", "Flags", "Description" :align: left :widths: auto "image", "kwiver:image", "_required", "Single frame image." "timestamp", "kwiver:timestamp", "(none)", "Timestamp for input image." Output Ports ------------ .. csv-table:: :header: "Port name", "Data Type", "Flags", "Description" :align: left :widths: auto "image", "kwiver:image", "(none)", "Single frame image." Pipefile Usage -------------- The following sections describe the blocks needed to use this process in a pipe file. Pipefile block -------------- .. code:: # ================================================================ process :: template # Footer text for image display. Displayed centered at bottom of image. footer = bottom # Meters per pixel scaling. gsd = 3.14159 # Header text for image display. header = top # ================================================================ Process connections ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following Input ports will need to be set ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code:: # This process will consume the following input ports connect from .image to .image connect from .timestamp to .timestamp The following Output ports will need to be set ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code:: # This process will produce the following output ports connect from .image to .image Class Description ----------------- .. doxygenclass:: group_ns::template_process :project: kwiver :members: