.. |br| raw:: html
Configuration ------------- .. csv-table:: :header: "Variable", "Default", "Tunable", "Description" :align: left :widths: auto Input Ports ----------- There are no input ports for this process. Output Ports ------------ .. csv-table:: :header: "Port name", "Data Type", "Flags", "Description" :align: left :widths: auto "const", "_none", "_const, _required", "The port with the const flag set." Pipefile Usage -------------- The following sections describe the blocks needed to use this process in a pipe file. Pipefile block -------------- .. code:: # ================================================================ process :: const # ================================================================ Process connections ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following Input ports will need to be set ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code:: # There are no input port's for this process The following Output ports will need to be set ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code:: # This process will produce the following output ports connect from .const to .const Class Description ----------------- .. doxygenclass:: sprokit::const_process :project: kwiver :members: